life or something like it

Life or Something like it

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Something to at least "think about"

I have been called a Conspiracy theorist in my time- mostly by my husband. I will admit from time to time I get caught up in something that the government did or didn't do.

I have watched A LOT of documentaries about A LOT of different topics. I think its really important to be aware of the world around you. That being said- there is a lot of "crap"-excuse my french- out there. Sifting through is definitely needed.

I think my love for documentaries has rubbed off on Matt. So the other night he approaches me and says should watch the newest Zeitgeist. (we have watched all the other ones). I rolled my eyes and said" you know what happens when we do this!" Its ALL I talk  and think about for days.

Knowing what he was getting into, we went ahead and watched it.

It was a GREAT project clip the depicted exactly how our economy is, how it got there and where its going. I truly believe (specifically) our generation should open their eyes to how we are taking advantage of our world that we have been given. That at one time was filled with much resources has now been taken over by the greed and power of men.

I hope it doesn't offend anyone- if anything it should offend my husband who is an Investor. there is a part where we laughed and laughed our heads off- they state that the WALL STREET investors must of had brain damage to do their job because no empathy is found. I looked and Matt and said "that explains it haha)

All jokes aside- additional research is always required before taking anything at face value.

Though I have my faith, I truly believe in science and know that they work together not against eachother

All I say to my family and friends is knowledge is WISDOM, FREEDOM AND CHANGE,

The more we know the more we can actually make a difference and correct the mistakes that have been made in the past.

1 comment:

  1. Me and Aaron are the same way. We love watching doc. on a vast array of subjects and have watched all the Zeitgeist doc. as well. There are so many people who have these strong opinions but seem so un-informed, annoying! Glad you are staying educated, keep watching!
