life or something like it

Life or Something like it

Friday, November 11, 2011

Who is Marcus?

I know my little bubba is only 7 weeks old but boy does he have a personality on him already.

I thought I best post something soon or Ill forget this precious stage in months to come.

Who is Marcus?

Marcus is a very Happy Baby!
He loves to Smile all the time- at everything! mom, dad, his friends on the wall, his friends hanging from the mobile, at himself in the mirror, at a blank wall.....everything.

He loves when mommy sings to him- "wheels on the bus" "Patty cake", "I love you Marcus" " You are my sunshine" and sometimes he will cou along.

He enjoys the fan on (white noise) while taking his naps

He all of a sudden hates his "soother" which makes me sad- I had my soother till I was four- (don't judge)

He gets Grumpy when he's tired (just like his Daddy)- we will be playing, having a ball during his wake time and BAM- he starts screaming and cant even open his eyes- It throws me off every time. So I swaddle him in his blankie and rock him to sleep while he cries...and then BAM he's out like a light.

I scratch my head every time! Not sure why he cant just rub his eyes, yawn and go to sleep, but hey makes my afternoon nap times interesting.

He loves walks- fresh air

He loves story time

He LOVES BATHS- he gets one every night apart of his bedtime routine and no matter what mood he is in, as soon as we put him in the water, he is a calm and happy as can be.

He loves Daddy time. When Matt gets home from work, I'm usually just finishing up feeding him and he usually has a fun party in his diaper waiting for daddy. I know that's mean, but both Marcus and I get a kick  out of it. daddy doesn't mind :)

He loves routine- I have him on a loose schedule- Feeding/Wake time/Nap time. It changes from time to time- growth spurts, outings etc.. but for the most part it stays the same.

Sometimes I can put him down for a nap awake and other times he cries hysterically and I need to rock and sing to him to sleep.

He is a complete and utter joy to our lives. Life wouldn't be the same without Baby  Marcus

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